Perth Light Rail Project In Spotlight Again
Perth looks set to get its delayed light rail project pushed forward according to new Transport Minister Dean Nalder.
Mr Nadler says that he is investigating splitting the project into two parts to make it more manageable and financially achievable.
He would do this by focusing on completing the north-south route connecting Mirrabooka with the CBD of the Perth light rail project first.
This is because he feels that building this new route will do more to lower road congestion than building the east-west route.
The Perth light rail project was delayed from 2016 to 2019 due to the loss of the state’s AAA+ rating. Mr Nadler is trying to bring it forward again and believes that it would be smarter and quicker to split the project into two, reducing the cost of funds needed to make it easier to budget for.
He has also announced that he will not be introducing a congestion charge but will look at moving Perth’s train stations underground and would like a transport blueprint created for when Perth’s population reaches 5 million, which is predicted to occur by 2050.
Vintage Road Haulage
We drive trucks not trains (except road trains) but certainly welcome any effective infrastructure that can reduce congestion on Perth’s roads. It’s good for road safety, convenience, stress levels and business.
To find out more about the Perth light rail project, please read the article at Perth Now.